The Italian Smart Office – The story of Estel now available in bookstore

In recent months Estel and Rizzoli, the most important Italian publishing house, have collaborated to create a monographic text on the business history of our company: from September 2020 the book will be available in major bookstores under the title “Italian Smart Office, The history of Estel” in double edition: Italian language and English language.

The volume, whose editing was curated by the notorious architect Mario Piazza, retraces the history of the Italian company backwards: from the present day, with a wide window on future projects and ambitions, up to 1937, the year in which Alfredo Stella gave the start of this almost centennial journey.
The text is divided into 5 chapters, interspersed with visionary dioramas by the artist Pierluigi Longo; the introduction is entrusted to the wise words of the well-known Italian physicist Federico Faggin, the inventor of the microchip:
“When Alberto Stella asked me to write the preface of this book, I asked him why he had thought of addressing me, who have nothing to do with office furniture. He explained to me that he had read my autobiography and that he had sensed that I would understand and appreciate his deep intention to anticipate and define the future of office furniture in the digital age, a future where the distinction between office and home is no longer the case. as clear as it was in the industrial era. Recognizing only vaguely the connection between the message in my book and the message Stella wanted to express in hers, I told him I would think a few days before deciding. Thinking about it a little, the meeting point is the love for innovation, whose essential purpose is to anticipate and define the future in any field. This is also the main purpose of true art“.
In such a particular year, the book becomes a communication tool capable of recounting the strengths of a company which, in over 80 years of history, has been able to evolve and innovate continuously: the health emergency has in fact made it clear how what we considered normal should be rewritten, with a view to greater well-being for people and for our planet. So in this new society that is emerging, where the idea of home and office often converge in a single environment, it becomes increasingly important to design the space around us in a functional and comfortable way.
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